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How HubSpot Can Help Healthcare Providers Build Stronger Patient Relationships

Written by Janani | Mar 23, 2023 10:21:02 AM

By 2026, it is anticipated that the global healthcare CRM market would be worth $28.89 billion. This is mostly because there is a rising need to put patient relationships and engagement first while maintaining security, as well as because there is an increased demand for organized data. You may quickly access your patient's medical, payment, and behavioral history by investing in a healthcare or medical CRM solution, which you can use to tailor messaging, enhance follow-up treatment, and increase client happiness and loyalty.

When it comes to adopting efficient digital communication channels to meet consumer demand for a better customer experience, the healthcare sector is years behind the global average. The difficulty lies in utilizing cutting-edge technology to boost personalization through marketing automation without sacrificing the human touch or raising security risks. You can accomplish all of this, as well as simplify administrative activities for your practice, enhance patient care and management, and boost medical sales and marketing initiatives, with the use of a medical CRM. Exactly why a healthcare CRM may help your company and how to choose the best one for your needs are covered in this article.

What is healthcare CRM?

A platform that logs and tracks your client contacts is known as a customer relationship management (CRM) system. Contact details, prior communications (such as calls and emails), the amount of money spent on your product or service, and the services they like are all included. The same is true of medical CRM software, which records your patients' contacts with your clinic or healthcare organization as well as their personal and medical histories, notes, and preferences. An example of what a healthcare CRM system can log is given below:

  •       Contact details
  •       Contact information (phone calls, emails, SMS)
  •       customer forms (patient intake, content forms, etc.)
  •       History of billing and insurance
  •       prior appointment history
  •       Reminders about upcoming appointments
  •       medical records (whitecoat syndrome, anxiety, phobia of needles,  etc.)
  •       chronic or pre-existing conditions
  •       current and previous therapies and/or drugs
  •       Allergies

You can keep track of and update these facts for each of your patients using a healthcare CRM. This avoids you and your staff from switching between several platforms to log information while also giving you a complete picture of your patients and their preferences.

Services provided by HubSpot in healthcare CRM:


Accounts and Leads are Salesforce's two main categories for classifying contacts in the database.


Submissions on forms hosted by HubSpot, such as those for downloading material, applying for jobs, and subscribing to blogs, are added to Salesforce as Accounts. This is due to the fact that our HubSpot-hosted email newsletters can still nurture these contacts without the outreach team at Apicha CHC having to contact them directly, in some cases because someone else will (career application submissions), or frequently because they aren't ready to schedule an appointment yet (content download submissions).


Leads Salesforce's Web-to-Lead functionality is used to embed all forms (Request an Appointment, Request Info, and Contact) that may include PHI. For instance, when someone submits a Request Appointment form, we run it first through our lead validation criteria to make sure the submission is not from a spammer. The lead is then immediately added to Salesforce.

According to the appointment type the lead chose, the lead is immediately assigned to a patient outreach team member once it is added to Salesforce. An automatic email notifying team members that they have a new lead is delivered to their mailbox.

Following that, we had numerous training sessions with the outreach team members of the departments to make sure that data was being updated to contact properties consistently and that each team member was handling leads uniformly.

Marketing automation

ROI from HubSpot Intelligence

The advantage of integrating HubSpot with Salesforce is actually found there. Due to the two-way integration, all interactions with the emails, social media campaigns, and landing pages hosted by HubSpot are recorded in Salesforce's "HubSpot Intelligence". These interactions are added to that person's contact record after they submit a form hosted by Salesforce and are submitted to the system as a lead. When contacting these people to set up appointments, the patient recruiting staff at Apicha CHC will have context thanks to this. It also enables us to link the return on investment of a Facebook ad to the effectiveness of our Google PPC and social media advertising.

Email Nurturing that is Personalized

We've been able to use this by sending re-engagement emails to people who filled out the Request Appointment forms but did not reply to any subsequent contact efforts. Those who aren't immediately prepared to book an appointment can also receive emails with information unique to the program. Additionally, in order to reduce no-show rates, we can now email people who make appointments with vital program information.

Healthcare providers should seriously think about utilizing HubSpot's CRM, which can help them grow their businesses in a variety of ways and assist patients who are in need of treatment. Join forces with AmWhiz right away to receive HubSpot software installation and setup services.