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HubSpot Onboarding

Written by Vijay Durai | Aug 4, 2022 12:36:00 PM

HubSpot is the most powerful marketing automation platform and Top CRM platform that helps brands to build their business with the Industry’s best features for marketing, sales, services and operations.

Still, the problems for many businesses come here. The HubSpot has so many features and minor details that can be difficult for businesses to understand at first or during setup.

Without proper setup of CRM features or automation workflows, there you are not utilising the full potential of HubSpot, leaving your customer conversion for free.

That’s where the HubSpot onboarding program sets you on the right path. Let’s see what we mean by HubSpot onboarding and how you can avail the service at the lowest cost.

What is HubSpot Onboarding?

This means an initial configuration of your HubSpot tool according to your business requirements and training your team on using it on a custom basis. So that you can spend less time understanding a new tool and spend it on the exact purpose why you choose the tool.

What does this mean to you? A speedy setup of all necessary assets in the HubSpot ecosystem with maximum utilisation of features needed for your business growth.

Advantages of HubSpot Onboarding

For any user, say they are new to the CRM platform or Migrate from other platforms into HubSpot, unlocking the features to the fullest potential is challenging or time-consuming.


Many challenges come with it, such as getting adapted to the HubSpot in the beginning without any previous knowledge or guidance. However, migrating to HubSpot does mean setting up the automation, templates, deal pipelines, etc. in it. If not done correctly, it may go wrong, which isn’t favourable.

Onboarding enables you to overcome these challenges with ease.

Learning from the experts

The best advantage with onboarding is the multiple classroom training (we, Amwhiz, have 6–10 sessions), where they will understand your business and people and teach you the HubSpot ecosystem and its in-depth features.

Set up workflows, deal pipelines, and templates ready

Either you migrate from another platform or build your business in a CRM from scratch, onboarding partner like Amwhiz, you create the assets like workflows, forms, landing pages, snippets, deal pipelines, etc., with them.

Quick recover of your capital invested in HubSpot

HubSpot offers multiple features for free in every facet of marketing, sales & service. But, to grow your business, those features are not enough. The premium you pay for the expanded features must cross the break even at the earliest, and the expert onboarding team like Amwhiz ensures it.

Asset setup shares the burden of your team in HubSpot using automation.

HubSpot is the Industry’s best automation tool. When you go through the onboarding program, the experts examine your business and how your teams support individual parts of your business, such as sales, marketing & service. Then, they work out strategies to find the best workflows, pipelines, and automation sequences so your team can eliminate repetitive manual tasks.

Still, need more clarification on whether you need an onboarding service or not? Then, reach our experts for free!