Top 5 Low-cost yet high impact marketing ideas 


Great that you have created a masterpiece of your idea, be it a Top notch product, Unique experience SaaS, or an excellent service. All your efforts will be ironed flat if your prospects aren't attracted (eventually your business). Marketing is one powerful chapter of a company's growth story; In contemporary times, one of the most effective ways is online marketing.

"Online marketing is the technique of leveraging internet-based channels to spread a company's message, products, or services to its potential prospects.

Usually, Online marketing (also referred to as Digital marketing) comprises a multiple-element combination of 

  • A website & traffic
  • Search engine optimisation
  • Email marketing
  • Social media marketing 
  • Content marketing 

The list goes on. Each technique mentioned has its own advantages & costs. 

Let's see must do five low-cost marketing techniques that give higher ROI


5 Digital ideas for economical marketing budgets

Still, we consider word of mouth marketing the best way to promote your product or service (the same was strongly insisted in marketing flywheel). To get word of mouth spread, the cost need not be always high

  • Online review 
  • Google my business 
  • Social media reach 
  • Creative Content
  • Influencer promotions 
  1. Online Review 

Online reviews have increasingly become the front to your digital reputation. It replaces a good amount of traditional word of mouth marketing from friends & family to online, the digital way of vocal spread or social proof.  

Practically, people always choose a product or service with higher & better review ratings. This is because people tend to trust reviews like they trust close friends who recommend them. 

So to start with, register on the websites such as 

  • Sulehka 
  • Just dial   
  • Asklaila 

If you are a Restaurant or food cafe, it is highly recommended to register in 

  • Trip Advisor 
  • Zomato

Likewise, there are multiple websites to get genuine reviews, such as Trust Pilots. Finally, don't leave the elephant unaddressed; Facebook, one of the largest social media platforms, is still trusted by people when considering reviews on pages. 

2. Google My Business (GMB)

One of the most effective freemium marketing will be listing your business in Google my business. It's simple and free yet has multiple benefits. You get to show what you are trying to solve through your business to the whole world, show pictures, updates & much more. 

Just by listing, you automatically create a map location for your brand, giving an added advantage for people who try to find you locally. 

Once GMB is complete, you can ask your visitor or people who benefited from your service to leave a review! Writing about a local event or updating your status regularly can help get more traffic. 

3. Social media 

There are various social media platforms, and each has a different set of purposes & audiences. You don't need to be in all the socials, but it is necessary to present in those social media where your audience spends most of their time. 

For example, if we take Instagram, people come to interact & create more. If you own a coaching service or DIY content, youtube might serve your purpose better as audiences there come to learn. 

"In Contemporary times, businesses work & grow together; Community presents them a greater opportunity." 

Facebook & Linked In group helps you build your community keeping the focus around your product/service. Keep them engaged, be active and answer all the questions. This marketing is proven to be slow but highly effective.

4. Content Marketing 

This world is moving towards small content & short videos (proof of these could be visible in Insta & youtube now has a separate tab for small videos less than 60 sec (i.e.) reels & shorts). There is no doubt this short snackable content is working, yet we can't say 'no' to the blog, which provides the reader a feel of a complete meal. 

Blogging is one of the effective types of content marketing. Be it any niche. You can write a blog to educate your audience to provide information or entertainment articles to attract visitors to your blog place, from there to the website.

By article, we don't mean blog alone. You can create content like a  

  1. Research paper 
  2. 'How to' tutorials 
  3. Infographics 
  4. Images & Videos 

With the right keywords & SEO, you may be getting high-yield quality results. In addition, Google helps you acquire new audiences to your site after indexing. 

5. Influencer promotions

For those who don't understand the word 'Influencer,' simply put, they have a high number of followers on social media such as Instagram, Youtube, TikTok, etc. For Example 

A renowned culinary specialist - Chef Damu with 1.2M Subscribers & KarthickRoFL with 400K followers on Instagram. 

Influencer marketing has evolved into a form where you don't want to run behind celebrities to endorse your product or service. Instead, an influencer who is an expert in a specific niche developed a small influential community around them, who don't cost you sky-high. In addition, their promotion can influence decision-making in their audience, eventually creating an edge of trust in your brand. 

Influencer marketing platform like PickMyAd helps to select, analysis & compare influencers and then book them directly for endorsement, making your promotional activity streamlined and saving colossal time. 


Warp up: Online marketing doesn't always cost you arms and legs. 

All the above elements discussed are either zero-costing or necessitate a nominal cost. Digital presence is not an option. It's a must-have! Start with baby steps, try getting social media accounts & lists in Google My Business, which come with no cost. Understand how SEO works & start blogging. 

Gradually move towards the paid segments such as Influencer marketing & paid social media ads. Remember, we need to stay ahead of this competitive environment; every marketing technique said above helps take you one step closer to your prospect.  

Top 5 Low-cost yet high impact marketing ideas